Tycho Simulation is a Rust crate that provides powerful tools for interacting with protocol states, calculating spot prices, and simulating token swaps.
The tycho-simulation package will soon be available on crates.io. Until then, you can import it directly from our GitHub repository.
To use the simulation tools with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) chains, add the optional evm feature flag to your dependency configuration:
tycho-simulation = {
git = "https://github.com/propeller-heads/tycho-simulation.git",
package = "tycho-simulation",
tag = "x.y.z", # Replace with latest version
features = ["evm"]
Add this to your project's Cargo.toml file.
Note: Replace x.y.z with the latest version number from our GitHub Releases page. Using the latest release ensures you have the most up-to-date features and bug fixes.
Main Interface
All protocols implement the ProtocolSim trait (see definition here). It has the main methods:
Spot price
spot_price gives you the pool's current marginal price.
You receive a GetAmountOutResult , which is defined as follows:
pub struct GetAmountOutResult {
pub amount: BigUint, // token_out amount you receive
pub gas: BigUint, // gas cost
pub new_state: Box<dyn ProtocolSim>, // state of the protocol after the swap
new state allows you to, for example, simulate consecutive swaps in the same protocol.
Please refer to the in-code documentation of the ProtocolSim trait and its methods for more in-depth information.
Streaming Protocol States
To maintain up-to-date states of the protocols you wish to simulate over, you can use a Tycho Indexer stream. Such a stream can be set up in 2 easy steps:
Step 1: fetch tokens
It is necessary to collect all tokens you are willing to support/swap over as this must be set on the stream builder in step 2. You can either set up custom logic to define this, or use the Tycho Indexer RPC to fetch and filter tokens for you. To simplify this, a util function called load_all_tokensis supplied and can be used as follows:
use tycho_simulation::utils::load_all_tokens;
use tycho_core::models::Chain;
let all_tokens = load_all_tokens(
"tycho-beta.propellerheads.xyz", // tycho url
false, // use tsl (this flag disables tsl)
Some("sampletoken"), // auth key
Chain::Ethereum, // chain
None, // min quality (defaults to 100 - ERC20 tokens only)
None, // days since last trade (has chain specific defaults)
Step 2: create a stream
You can use the ProtocolStreamBuilder to easily set up and manage multiple protocols within one stream. An example of creating such a stream with Uniswap V2 and Balancer V2 protocols is as follows:
use tycho_simulation::evm::{
filters::balancer_pool_filter, uniswap_v2::state::UniswapV2State, vm::state::EVMPoolState,
use tycho_core::models::Chain;
use tycho_client::feed::component_tracker::ComponentFilter;
let tvl_filter = ComponentFilter::with_tvl_range(9, 10); // filter buffer of 9-10ETH
let mut protocol_stream = ProtocolStreamBuilder::new("tycho-beta.propellerheads.xyz", Chain::Ethereum)
.exchange::<UniswapV2State>("uniswap_v2", tvl_filter.clone(), None)
.skip_state_decode_failures(true) // skips the pool instead of panicking if it errors on decode
.expect("Failed building protocol stream");
The stream created emits BlockUpdate messages which consist of:
block number- the block this update message refers to
new_pairs- new components witnessed (either recently created or newly meeting filter criteria)
removed_pairs- components no longer tracked (either deleted due to a reorg or no longer meeting filter criteria)
states- the updated ProtocolSimstates for all components modified in this block
The first message received will contain states for all protocol components registered to. Thereafter, further block updates will only contain data for updated or new components.
Note: For efficiency, ProtocolSimstates contain simulation-critical data only. Reference data such as protocol names and token information is provided in the ProtocolComponentobjects within the new_pairsfield. Consider maintaining a store of these components if you need this metadata.
For a full list of supported protocols and the simulation state implementations they use, see Supported Protocols.
Example: Consuming the Stream and Simulating
This simplified example shows how to process the stream created above and run simulations on the updated pools. Since the first message of the stream contains all pools, this means the first iteration of the loop will simulate on everything.
In this example we choose 2 tokens: a buy and a sell token, and simulate only on pools that contain those tokens.
// Set sell and buy tokens to USDC and USDT respectively
let sell_token = Token::new("0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48", 6, "USDC", BigUint::from(10000u64));
let buy_token = Token::new("0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7", 6, "USDT", BigUint::from(10000u64));
let sell_amount = BigUint::from(1000000000u64); // 1000 USDC
// track all witnessed ProtocolComponents from the stream
let mut all_pools = HashMap::new();
// track all amount_outs for each pool simulated
let mut amount_out = HashMap::new()
// loop through stream messages
while let Some(stream_message) = protocol_stream.next().await {
let message = match stream_message {
Ok(msg) => msg,
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("Error receiving message: {err}");
break; // Exit loop on stream error
// Store any new protocol components we haven't seen before
for (id, comp) in message.new_pairs.iter() {
.or_insert_with(|| comp.clone());
// Simulate swaps on any updated pools that contain our token pair
for (id, state) in message.states.iter() {
if let Some(component) = all_pools.get(id) {
// Skip if this pool doesn't contain both of our tokens
let tokens = &component.tokens;
if !tokens.contains(&sell_token) || !tokens.contains(&buy_token) {
// Calculate the amount out for our swap
match state.get_amount_out(sell_amount.clone(), &sell_token, &buy_token) {
Ok(result) => {
amounts_out.insert(id.clone(), result.amount);
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("Error calculating amount out for pool {id}: {err}");