Binary / CLI
Tycho Client CLI installation documentation
When to use the binary client
The binary client is recommended for 2 situations:
For a quick setup, to consume data from Tycho Indexer direct on a terminal
To consume data from Tycho Indexer on apps developed in languages where there isn't a native tycho client available (e.g: any languages apart from Rust and Python). For the supported languages, please check the Rust Clientor Python Clientdocs.
Installing Tycho-client
This guide provides two methods to install Tycho Client:
Download pre-built binaries from GitHub Releases (recommended for most users)
Build from source (for developers or customized installations)
Method 1: Download from GitHub Releases
Step 1: Download the pre-built binary
For a simple, setup-free start, download the latest tycho-client
binary release that matches your OS/architecture on GitHub.
💡 Tip: Choose the latest release unless you need a specific version.
Step 2: Extract the binary from the tar.gz
Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the file was downloaded. Run the following command to extract the contents:
Step 3: Link the binary to a directory in your system's PATH (recommended):
Step 4: Verify Installation
You should see the Tycho Client version displayed. If you need more guidance, contact us via Telegram
Method 2: Build from Source
Rust 1.84.0 or later
Step 1: Clone the repository
Step 2: Build the binary
Step 3: Link the binary to a directory in your system's PATH (recommended):
Step 4: Verify Installation
You should see the Tycho Client version displayed. If you need more guidance, contact us via Telegram
Permission denied
chmod +x tycho-client
to make the binary executable
Command not found
Ensure the installation location is in your PATH
Other issues
Using Tycho Client
Running the client
Step 1: Setting up API Key
or use the command line flag
Step 2: Consume data from Tycho Indexer
Now, you're all set up!
Or skip secure connections entirely with --no-tls
for local setups [coming soon].
Since all messages are sent directly to stdout in a single line, logs are saved to a file: ./logs/dev_logs.log
. You can configure the directory with the --log-dir
Configuring the client
For more details on using the CLI and its parameters, run:
Last updated